Klap eens in je handjes

Hands, feet and faces

Deze vuist op deze vuist

Dit zijn mijn wangetjes

Hak en teen

Ik heb twee mooie oren

Klap eens in je handjes

Met de vingertjes

Twee handjes op de tafel

Zo gaat de molen


Last updated: 3/25/2015 11:16 AM


The songs below are part ofTingelinge pannenkoek’ The Dutch collection

compiled, adapted, translated and illustrated by Dany Rosevear

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To listen to music from these songs click on O

To watch the author sing a song click on the title at:


© Dany Rosevear 2012 All rights reserved

You are free to copy, distribute, display and perform these works under the following conditions:

·       you must give the original author credit

·       you may not use this work for commercial purposes

·       for any re-use or distribution, you must make clear to others the licence terms of this work

·       any of these can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder

Your fair use and other rights are no way affected by the above.



Deze vuist op deze vuist O


This game is played with fists in a similar way to ‘One potato, two potatoes’ but each time it is sung the movement is played faster.

It was written by Willem Wilmink with music by Harry Bannink for a Dutch children’s television programme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHPcCMwq4aA


Also watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sgl7x2efWKk and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO0g008qAzY












Deze vuist op deze vuist,

Deze vuist op deze vuist,

Deze vuist op deze vuist,

En zo klim ik naar boven.

Put a fist upon a fist,

Put a fist upon a fist,

Put a fist upon a fist,

And so I climb up to the top.

Put one fist on top of the other getting higher each time.

Finish standing and stretching high.


Sing three times making the movements faster on each playing.



Dit zijn mijn wangetjes O


A song to help the youngest identify different parts of the face.


Watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qGIqo-SA10&feature=related


Children stand in a space next to a partner.


















Dit zijn mijn wangetjes en dit is mijn kin.

Dit is mijn mondje met tandjes erin.

Dit zijn mijn oren, mijn ogen, mijn haar.

Dit is mijn neusje en dan ben ik klaar!

These are my rosy cheeks and this is my chin.

This is my mouth and my teeth are within.

These are my two eyes, my ears and my hair.

This is my nose; it can sniff here and there!


















Children point to each part of the face as it is mentioned.


On the last line rub noses with partner.



Hak en teen O


Wear clogs to make this dance more fun while learning the difference between right and left.


Watch another clog dance at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf3dQ1aJJQs


Children stand in two rows facing each other.




















Hak en teen en hak en teen,

Je beide handen op je knie.

Hak en teen en hak en teen,

La la la la la laa!

Heel and toe and heel and toe,

And clap your hands then both your knees,

Heel and toe and heel and toe.

La la la la la laa!

En je rechter hand, je linker hand,

Je beide handen op je knie.

La la la la, la la la la, la la la la la laa!

Then you clap right hand, and left hand please,

And slap your hands on both your knees.

La la la la, la la la la, la la la la la laa!

Point right heel and toe twice.

Clap hands three times then slap knees.

Point left heel and toe twice.

Partners swing each other with right arms.








Slap partners’ right hand three times then the left. Clap hands three times then slap knees.

Cross hands with partner and skip round on the spot.



Ik heb twee mooie oren O


Ears are quite wonderful appendages and so useful when learning and then singing a song. Needless to say there needs to be a considerate approach for any children in class who may have hearing difficulties.


Watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLKL_DBpyRs&feature=related
















Ik heb twee mooie oren,

Één hier en ook één daar.

Daar kan ik jou mee horen,

Vind je dat niet raar?

En dit hier zijn mijn ogen,

Mijn wangen en mijn kin,

En mijn kleine neusje,

Dat zit er tussen in.

I have two ears so brilliant,

With one here and one there.

That I can hear you when I want,

What a strange affair!

And these here are my two eyes,

My two cheeks and my chin,

My mouth’s here and my nose, why

It sits there in between.


An alternative ending preferred by the Dutch!

(Mijn mondje en mijn neusje,

Met SNOTJES erin BAH!!!

My mouth’s here and my nose is

Full of snot inside.YUK!!!)

Touch facial parts as they are mentioned.


Shrug and throw out hands.

Shake finger from side to side.



Klap eens in je handjes O


A song to cheer up the most fractious toddler; the second verse translates as ‘put you hands on your angry head’.


Watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z385cJc_QQ&noredirect=1

















Klap eens in je handjes blij, blij, blij,

Op je boze bolletje allebei,

Handjes in de hoogte,

Handjes in je zij,

Zo varen de scheepjes voorbij,

Zo varen de scheepjes voorbij.

Clap your hands together cheerfully,

Put your hands upon your head just for me,

Two hands in the blue sky,

Two hands on your hips,

Watch the boats sail way out to sea,

Watch the boats sail way out to sea.


Alternative endings:


Two hands on hips low,

So sailing boats go to and fro.


Two hands on your thighs,

Like this the boats go sailing by.








Clap hands.

Put both hands on the head.

Stretch hands above head.

Place hands on hips.

With hands still on hips sway gently from side to side.



Met de vingertjes O


Play this game while sitting at a table.


Watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClEaMoy709Y and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtQA_pwJZD4



























Met de vingertjes,

Met de vingertjes,

Met de platte, platte, platte handjes!

With the fingers,

With the fingers,

With the flat, flat, flat, flat hands so!

Met de vuistjes,

Met de vuistjes,

Met de ellebogen, van je pft pft pft!

With the fists so,

With the fists so,

With the el-el-el-el-elbows, then a pft pft pft!

Met het hoofdje,

Met het hoofdje,

Met de handjes in de lucht !

With the head so

With the head so

With the hands up in the air!

Met de voetjes,

Met de voetjes,

En dan een diepe zucht!

With the feet so,

With the feet so,

Then give a great big sigh!


Tap both forefingers.


Slap palms of hands






Thump fists on table


Tap elbows. Blow out cheeks and poke with forefingers.





Wave head from side to side.


Wave hands in the air.





Tap feet.


Put arms on the table lay head on arms and give a big sigh.

Lift head and shout ‘BOO!’




Twee handjes op de tafel O


A lovely hand movement action rhyme with an element of surprise for toddlers to play seated at a table, see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj925_3NBfU

For a different rhythm see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoLql9o-VC8


The actions are obvious from the words. Make a strong drumming sound on the table.














Twee handjes op de tafel,

Twee handjes in je zij.

Twee handjes op je schouders,

Op je hoofdje allebei.


Nu maken we twee vuisten,

Zo stevig als maar kan.

Daar gaan we fijn mee trommelen,

Van je rommeldebommeldebom.


Je duimen zijn de dikste,

Je pinkjes zijn maar klein.

Nu moeten alle handjes,

Vlug op het ruggetje zijn.


Vlug op het ruggetje zijn,

Ik heb ze aan mijn ruggetje gegeven.

Van je 1 2... 3,

Daar zijn ze weer!

Put two hands on the table,

Then two hands at your side.

Put two hands on your shoulders,

Up on your head they ride.


And then we make two strong fists,

As strong as strong can be.

Now both of them are drumming,

With a boom-de-boom-de-dee.


Your thumbs they are the thickest,

Your pinky very small.

Two hands must disappear now,

You have no hands at all.


You have no hands at all see,

Two hands and fingers ten,

But if we count - 1 2 3...,

Look, here they are again!



Zo gaat de molen O


Sing slow, sing fast; move slowly, move quickly.


Listen at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oG8qXkLvhA&feature=relmfu

Watch it played with a parachute:
















Zo gaat de molen, de molen, de molen,

Zo gaat de molen, de molen.

Zo gaan de wieken, de wieken, de wieken,

Zo gaan de wieken, de wieken.

Round goes the windmill, the windmill, the windmill,

Round goes the windmill, round and round.

The wind turns the sails round, the sails round, the sails round,

The wind turns the sails round, round and round.


Zo gaan de handjes, de handjes, de handjes,

Zo gaan de handjes, de handjes.

Zo gaan de voetjes, de voetjes, de voetjes,

Zo gaan de voetjes, de voetjes.

Slowly our hands go, our hands go, our hands go,

Slowly our hands go, they wave like this.

Quickly our feet go, our feet go, our feet go,

Quickly our feet go, they run like this.






























Stand in a circle.

Roll right arm slowly round the left.

Roll left arm round right quickly.














Stretch hands up high and wave from side to sides.

Run very fast on the spot.

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