De la nit, el dia i el temps

Ara plou, ara neva

Dalt del diri

La lluna la pruna

Mireu alla dalt

Sol solet

Trinco trinco


Last edited: 10/11/2015 15:27


The songs below are part of ‘Joan del Rui’ The Catalan collection

compiled, adapted, translated and illustrated by Dany Rosevear


To listen to music from these songs click on O

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Why a separate Catalan collection?


My intention in researching Catalan songs was to add just a small number to my original Spanish collection. However it was obvious from the outset that this region of Spain is a particularly rich source of wonderful music and rhythms and before long I had assembled and translated a dedicated compilation of singing games and dances.


Many of these had been accessed on the internet in the form of videos. The dances themselves should be self-evident from the directions given but I would urge anyone who would like to introduce these songs in the Catalan language to classes of children to illustrate the dances using these videos as a model to copy on their whiteboards.


© Dany Rosevear 2008 All rights reserved


You are free to copy, distribute, display and perform these works under the following conditions:

·       you must give the original author credit

·       you may not use this work for commercial purposes

·       for any re-use or distribution, you must make clear to others the licence terms of this work

·       any of these can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder


Your fair use and other rights are no way affected by the above.

The Catalan Collection


Catalan pronunciation


Spoken Catalan like Spanish is quite distinctive from spoken English. The more distinctive sounds of letters in the words of the songs are provided to aid pronunciation in the guide below. The letters not listed are pronounced approximately as in English.


a        stressed sounds like ah (father)                           as in pa

a        unstressed sounds like a (sugar)                          as in porta

e        open sounds like e (met) at the beginning or within a word    as in nen

e        closed sounds like e (they) at the beginning or within a word as in llet

i         sounds like ee (feet)                                              as in nit

e        sounds like ay at the end of a word                     as in leche

o        sounds like oa (boat)                                           as in boca

u       sounds like oo (boot)                                           as in una

b       is silent after m                                                    as in amb

c        sounds like c (acid) before the letters i and e        as in cel

ç        sounds like c (acid)                                               as in canço

g (before e and i) and j sounds like sh (vision)              as in gina jeure

g        sounds like h (hallo) before the letters i and e      as in gente

h       is always silent unless the word is of foreign origin

ll        sounds like lli (million)                                         as in llapis

p       is silent after m                                                    as in llamp

v        at the beginning of a word sounds like b              as in vi

rr      sounds like a Scottish r                                        as in carro

v        sounds like b                                                        as in vaca

s and z  sounds like z (zoo)                                            as in casa zero

u       is silent after g and q                                            as in gue qui

x        at the beginning of a word or after l, n, r sounds like sh as in xarop


There are many sites on line that provide help with pronunciations


Catalan punctuation


Written Catalan like Spanish is distinctive from written English; fewer capitals are used at the beginning of each line of verse, exclamation and question marks are used both at the beginning and end of sentences. However, for familiarity I have usually conformed to the English model when writing Catalan verse.



Ara plou, ara neva O



Accompany this song with light to strong percussion sounds to imitate the weather.

The origin of the word ‘torín’ / ‘Turin’ possibly relates to shoes imported from Italy.


Watch at: 


Stand in a circle and let hands make the movements of the weather.


















Ara plou, ara neva,

Ara cau pedra,

Pedra rodona.

First it rains, then it’s snowing,

Now comes the hailstorm,

Round, icy hailstones.


Xim, xim, xim,

Visca la gresca, visca la gresca,

Xim xim xim,

Visca la gresca del torín.

Turn, turn, turn,

Having a great time, having a great time,

Turn, turn, turn,

Having a great time in the snow.


Si el torín no va bé, posa-hi pega, posa-hi pega.

Si el torín no va , posa-hi pega, sabater.

If my shoe needs mending, cobbler stitch it, cobbler stitch it.

If my shoe needs mending, cobbler stitch it up for me.

Fingers move up and down.

Fingers move all around.

Bend knees and beat fists on the floor.




Turn round on the spot.

Stamp in the snow.







Beat fist in hand.






Dalt del diri O


Help the very youngest to learn how to keep the beat at increasing speeds.


Watch at:




Stand in a circle holding two clave or a triangles. Play through six times increasing speed each time the song is sung. Once children are familiar with the beat encourage them to walk round the room, in and out of each other, keeping pace with the music.














Dalt del diri, diri, diri, diri,

Dalt del diri, diri, diridó.

Dalt del diri, diri, diri, diri,

Dalt del diri, diri, diridó.

High above the stars shine very brightly,

High above the stars shine downy-o.

High above the stars shine very brightly,

High above the stars shine downy-o.




La lluna la pruna O


What has the moon got to do with plums? There are many theories; one suggests that plums are a purple / brown colour similar to the darkness of the moon.


Watch at:




Verse 1 In a circle walk round holding hands to the right and then to the left.

Verse 2 Drop hands and swivel hips from side to side moving downwards and then up. Walk into the circle and then back.











La lluna, la pruna,

vestida de dol,

Sa pare la crida,

son mare no vol.


La lluna, la pruna

i el sol matiner,

Sa pare la crida,

son mare també.

The moon clothed so darkly,

In mourning is dressed;

Her father is calling,

Sun sets in the west .


The moon is now waning,

As up comes the sun,

Her father is calling,

And mother says come.




































Mireu allà dalt O


If you look up at the stars and stare you can make out anything you wish to see, just as you can in the clouds.


First time round sing all words of the song with the actions below. Next time hum (mmmmmh) the words of the first phrase continuing actions as before. Each time the song is repeated replace consequent phrases with humming and actions as below.


Watch at:














Mireu allà dalt,

En els estels que hi ha,

És un gros animal,

Que en bicicleta va.

És un elefant,

I doncs que us penseu,

una cua al darrera,

I una trompa al davant!

Look up there and stare,

Among the stars right there,

So big an animal,

Sat on a bicycle.

It’s an elephant,

That’s what I really think,

In front you see a long trunk,

The tail is right behind!

Circle eyes with thumb and forefinger, look up.

Make fingers twinkle like the stars.

Make a big gesture with hands.

Make cycling actions with closed fists.

Flap big elephant ears.

Wag forefinger.

Wave trunk.

Make tail and waggle rear end.






















Sol, solet O



Suggest different items of clothing to wear once children are familiar with the song.

Use the shimmer of tambourine bells to make the sound of the sun.


Watch at:





Walk round in a circle, one child stands inside shivering. Walk in towards child in the middle and back out as they put on coat and hat.










Sol, solet, vine'm a veure, vine'm a veure.

Sol, solet, vine'm a veure que tinc fred.



Si tens fred, posa't la capa, posa't la capa.

Si tens fred, posa't la capa i el barret.

Sun, sunshine, come here and warm me, come here and warm me.

Sun, sunshine, come here and warm me, it’s so cold.


If you're cold, put on your warm coat,

put on your warm coat.

If you're cold put on your warm coat and your hat.


















Trinco, trinco O


Two Catalan weather songs that are often sung back to back. Legend has it that rain is caused by the witches combing their long black hair. ‘Plou i fa sol’ is sung when it is rainy and sunny at the same time.


Watch at:




First verse: Walk individually into spaces on tiptoes, first forwards then back. Do the same on heels.

Second verse: find a partner and skip round first one way and then the other.














Trinco, trinco, de puntetes,

no us mulleu les sabatetes.

Trinco, trinco de talons,

no us mulleu els sabatons.


Plou i fa sol,

Les bruixes es pentinen.

Plou i fa sol,

Les bruixes porten dol.

Up on tiptoes, tippy tappy,

Keep those smart shoes dry and happy.

Make your heels go tippy tap,

Do not let those shoes get wet.


Rain falls, sun shines,

The witches are a-combing.

Rain falls, sun shines,

The witches moan and cry.






























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