Songs and rhymes from and for the Ukraine Emoji A-K


These are children’s rhymes and songs that I have either translated into English from their original language or songs written by myself in response to the terrible war now happening in the Ukraine.

*** Songs by Dany Rosevear.

A Ukrainian harvest

Bake the bread

Clap, clap hands

Cuckoo, cuckoo, coo coo

Dream passes by

Fish and crayfish dancing

Good morning, dear sun

Hare wants to sleep

Here and there

I will hang the cradle

Ivan the great chops firewood

Kotikoo, my grey cat

Last updated: 7/18/2022 9:53 AM

Please let me know if there are other simple Ukrainian children’s rhymes / songs you would like me to translate and also let me know if my translations varies from the spirit / meaning of the original – mine are rarely literal so they can scan / rhyme / make sense!

The songs below are compiled, adapted and translated by Dany Rosevear

*** Original songs by Dany Rosevear in response to the current war in Ukraine.

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To listen to music from these songs click on 🔊

To watch the author sing a song click on the title at:


© Dany Rosevear 2008 All rights reserved

You are free to copy, distribute, display and perform these works under the following conditions:

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A Ukrainian harvest 🔊



A universal song of celebration. In normal time Ukraine is the breadbasket of Europe and harvest celebrations, like in many countries, is a tradition they hold dear.

Find it sung in Ukrainian here:

You might notice the Ukrainian song has four verses, the first is about the dying summer. Initially I only came across the second verse which was particularly suited to young children I then added the third and third verses as they made a simple story.

Translation by Dany Rosevear.

Please let me know if there are other simple Ukrainian children’s rhymes / songs you would like me to translate and also let me know if my translations varies from the spirit / meaning of the original – mine are rarely literal so they can scan / rhyme / make sense!
































Autumn time has come,

There’s apples in the orchards,

Pears and plums are swelling,

Ripe and so delicious.

Oh, yes! Oh, yes, yes!

Ripe and so delicious.

Oh, yes! Oh, yes, yes!

Ripe and so delicious.


Many beet and cabbages

Are growing in our gardens

A rich and joyful harvest

In our lovely homeland.

Oh, yes! Oh, yes, yes!

In our lovely homeland.

Oh, yes! Oh, yes, yes!

In our lovely homeland.


Wheat and rye is gathered

From the fields and meadows.

Everyone is welcome

To the feasting and the dancing.

Oh, yes! Oh, yes, yes!

Come and join the dancing.

Oh, yes! Oh, yes, yes!

Come and join the dancing.


Як діждали літа,

То нажали жита.

З жита та пшениці,

Гарні паляниці!

Ой, так, ой, так, так.

Гарні паляниці.


Осінь наступила.

Яблук натрусила.

Ось і груші й сливи,

І смачні, й красиві.

Ой, так, ой, так, так.

І смачні, й красиві.


А в городі густо,

Буряків, капусти.

Ой які врожаї

В нашім, ріднім краї.

Ой, так, ой, так, так.

В нашім, ріднім краї.


З жита та пшениці,

Гарні паляниці.

Всіх ми почастуєм,

Ще і затанцюєм.

Ой, так, ой, так, так.

Ще і затанцюєм



Bake the bread 🔊



Печу, печу xлібчик’ A Ukrainian children’s mime and hand play.

See it played in Ukrainian with a nursery class here: Печу печу - YouTube

Translation by Dany Rosevear.

Please let me know if there are other simple Ukrainian children’s rhymes / songs you would like me to translate and also let me know if my translations varies from the spirit / meaning of the original – mine are rarely literal so they can scan / rhyme / make sense!

1.  Form dough into a loaf with palms of hands, turning over each time. 2. Show a little loaf with hands forming a ball. Stretch hands apart to show a big loaf. 3. Push hands forward into the oven, pull towards chest. Repeat. 4. Slice bread on the palm of one hand with the other hand as a knife. Rub tummy.





































I am baking fresh bread

For the children’s lunchtime.

Small buns for the small ones,

Big buns for the big ones!

Bake the bread! Bake the bread!

Push it in, pull it out.

Cut the bread, slice it up.


Печу, печу xлібчик,

Дітям на обідчик.

Меншичкому – менший,

Більшичкому – більший.


Шусть y піч!

Шусть y піч!

Сажай – виймай!

Сажай – виймай!


Ріжу ріжу я,






Clap, clap hands



Тосі-тосі-тосі - a Ukrainian clapping game for the very young.

A question and answer rhyme. Use any familiar food as an answer.

There are many similar rhymes to teach baby to clap, the communication between the young and old here is quite delightful: Тосі-тосі-тосі - YouTube

Clap hands in rhythm.















Clap, clap hands!

Where have you been?

To grandma house.

What did you eat?


What did you drink?


What was your snack?



Тосі-тосі, лапці!

Де були?

У бабці.

А що їли?


А що пили?


А що на закуску?

Квашену капусту!



Cuckoo, cuckoo, coo coo 🔊



“Зозуленька КУ КУ” another delightful traditional Ukrainian song with a high / low ending.

Translated by Dany Rosevear. the literal translation is ‘in a green garden’ whereas mine rhymes with ‘cuckoo’.

You can find it sung in Ukrainian here:  Розспівка №2. Зозуленька - YouTube



























Cuckoo, cuckoo, coo coo!

Out in my garden flew.

Coo coo, coo coo, Coo coo, coo coo, Coo coo coo!


Зозуленька КУ КУ

Зозуленька, ку-ку

в зеленому садку.

ку-ку, ку-ку, ку-ку, ку-ку, ку ку ку!



Dream passes by 🔊



A Ukrainian folk lullaby,Ой ходить сон, коло вікон’

‘Where will we rest tonight?’ creates a vision of those sheltering in basements or the many fleeing from danger in war torn parts of the world.

It was probably first printed at the beginning of the 19th century. The song however has been around in Ukrainian folklore for a long time possibly for centuries.

Find out more here:

This translation is by Dany Rosevear.

Hear it sung in Ukranian here:




































Oo, oo, oo, oo, Oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo.

Oo, oo, oo, oo, Oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo.


Darkness is nigh, Dream passes by,

Whispers to Sleep.

“Where shall we rest tonight?”

“Where a young child, in a warm cottage lies,

There we will rock little one to sleep.”


“Look, look inside, Mother and child,

There we will rest, As very welcome guests.

Hear the cat purr, see the sweet baby smile,

Sleep, sleep in peace, dearest child, my dove.”


Oo, oo, oo, oo, Oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo.

Oo, oo, oo, oo, Oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo.


Ой ходить сон, коло вікон.

А дрімота коло плота.

Питається сон дрімоти:

"Де ж ми будем ночувати?"


Де хатонька теплесенька,

Де дитина малесенька,

Туди підем ночувати,

І дитинку колисати.


Там ми будем спочивати,

І дитинку присипляти:

Спати, спати, соколятко,

Спати, спати, голуб'ятко.




Fish and crayfish dancing 🔊



A comic Ukrainian folk song and dance,Танцювала риба з раком’

A song also for harvest time.

This one would work well with a variety of percussion

Translation by Dany Rosevear. There are several versions of this, I have translated two verses of the most common one but have added a nonsense refrain from another recorded elsewhere but which reminds me of my Polish father singing something similar when I was a child!

Hear it sung and danced in Ukraine here: "Танцювала риба з раком"он-лайн виступ приурочений79-тій річниці з дня народження Івана Миколайчука. - YouTube















































See the fish and crayfish dancing, crayfish dancing.

And the parsley with parsnip, with parsnip,

Onions with the garlic too,

And a Cossack with his girl!

Onion’s really quite amazed,

The dancing is so wonderful.


Ti-di-um, ti-di-um, Om-pom-pom!

Ti-di-um, ti-di-um, Rat-ta-tum!

Ti-di-um, ti-di-um, Om-pom-pom!

Ti-di-um, ti-di-um, Rat-ta-tum!


Pumpkin walks around the garden, asks in wonder,

“Are you all alive and healthy, dearest veggies?”

Yellow melon softly calls,

“We’re your family, I’m your wife!”

Cucumbers they answer too,

“We are your sons and daughters!”


Ti-di-um, ti-di-um, Om-pom-pom!

Ti-di-um, ti-di-um, Rat-ta-tum!

Ti-di-um, ti-di-um, Om-pom-pom!

Ti-di-um, ti-di-um, Rat-ta-tum!


Танцювала риба з раком,

А петрушка з пастернаком,

А цибуля з часником,

А дівчина з козаком!

Цибуля дивується,

Як хороше танцюється.


 Ходить гарбуз по городу –

 Питається свого роду:

 – Ой чи живі, чи здорові,

 Всі родичі гарбузові,

 Обізвалась жовта диня:

 – Ой я твоя господиня;

 Обізвались огірочки:

 – А ми твої сини й дочки!


 Обізвались буряки,

 Гарбузові свояки:

 – Усі живі і здорові,

 Всі родичі гарбузові!





Good morning dear sun



Greet the day with this Ukrainian hand play.

Matching fingers will take some dexterity first thing in the morning!

Translated by Dany Rosevear.


Matching right hand finger touches each fingertip, starting with the little one, on the left hand. Bow with hands together.


















Good morning,

Good morning, dear sun,

Good morning, the sky is blue,

Good morning little birds,

Good morning to me and you!


Доброго ранку

Доброго ранку, сонце привітне!

Доброго ранку, небо блакитне!

Доброго ранку, у небі пташки!

Доброго ранку тобі i мeнi!




Hare wants to sleep 🔊



‘Заєць спати захотівA Ukrainian children’s rhyme and hand play by M. Stelmach.

It is set to a tune by Irina Tarasevych, you can hear her singing it in Ukrainian with her beautiful voice here: She has sung many other delightful children’s  songs.‎ Translation by Dany Rosevear.

Please let me know if there are other simple Ukrainian children’s rhymes / songs you would like me to translate and also let me know if my translations varies from the spirit / meaning of the original – mine are rarely literal so they can scan / rhyme / make sense!

1. Make hare with fist and first two fingers up, hands to cheek. 2. Smooth sheets. 3. Pull sheets up to face. 4. Make hare lie on fist pillow. 5. Flop two fingers over fist. 6. Throw out hands.





































Hare is tired as tired can be,

Makes his bed so carefully.

Snuggles up inside the bedclothes,

Lays his head on a little pillow.

Hare’s long ears have flopped down, Oh, no!

Now he’ll never go to sleep!


Заєць спати захотів

Сам постелю постелив.

Сам приніс собі подушку,

Підмостив собі під вушко.

Але в зайця довге вушко-

Все звисає із подушки.




Here and there 🔊



‘Тут і там’ A simple action song that can be sung in Ukrainian, listen to it here:

This song is very musically versatile: sing as an echo or up two more scales.

Translation by Dany Rosevear. ‘Повтори’ means ‘repeat’ rather than ‘sing with me’.

Please let me know if there are other simple Ukrainian children’s rhymes / songs you would like me to translate and also let me know if my translations varies from the spirit / meaning of the original – mine are rarely literal so they can scan / rhyme / make sense!

1. Throw out hands. 2. Tap side of the head. 3. Roll arms. 4. Raise three fingers in turn. 5. Flop two fingers over fist. 6. Repeat.



































Here and there, here and there,

Tararam, tararam.

Sing with me, sing with me

One, two three, one two three!

Here and there, here and there,

Tararam, tararam.

Sing with me, sing with me,

One, two, three!

Then again!

Тут і там, тут і там,

тарарам, тарарам.

Повтори, повтори,

раз-два-три, раз-два-три.

Тут і там, тут і там,

тарарам, тарарам

Повтори, повтори,






I will hang the cradle 🔊



‘Повішу я колисочку на дубочку’ A lovely Ukrainian lullaby and folk song.

Listen to it sung in Ukrainian here: Повішу я колисочку 🌃 Ukrainian lullaby - YouTube 

Translated by Dany Rosevear.

Ukrainian cradle lore: Popular wisdom says a child will grow up healthy and happy when the mother herself is wise. Therefore, in ancient times, when they had a daughter, they sprinkled her in a willow and viburnum cradle so the child will always be cheerful and lively. For a a son make a cradle out of a an oak tree. This tree species adds strength to the body and mind. And you need to put the child in the cradle before sunrise and need to remember that your child will grow up kind, gentle and intelligent when he hears lullabies. From such songs philosophers and sages grow.












































I will gently hang the cradle

On a sturdy oak tree,

Luli, luli, sleep my dear child,

Sleep my little baby.


There a lovely breeze will blow

To set the cradle swaying,

Leaves will flutter all around

As baby tries to catch them.


Sun will smile and shine awhile

To peek amongst the branches;

It will kiss my darling child

As through the leaves it dances.


Повішу я колисочку на дубочку,

Люлі, люлі, засни, поспи, мій синочку.

Буде вітрик повівати

І синочка колихати,

З дуба листя опадати

Та синочка забавляти.

Буде сонечко сіяти,

Між листячком заглядати,

Між листячком заглядати

І синочка цілувати;





Ivan the Great chops firewood



A Ukrainian finger and hand play for the very young.

Naming the fingers, rather similar to ‘Tommy Thumb’.


Raise one finger at a time starting with the thumb. 1. Chop one hand with the other.

2. Cup hands. 3. Turn on the oven. 4. Stir cupped hand with the other hand. 5. Make all fingers dance.
















Ivan the Great chops firewood,

Vaske-pointer carries water,

Middle Bear heats the stove,

Orphan Grishka cooks the porridge.

And little Timoshka has a song to sing.

Sing and dance have fun together!


Івану-більшаку - дрова рубати,

Ваське-указці - воду носити,

Ведмедику-середньому - піч топити,

Гришку-сирітці - кашу варити.

А крихітці Тимошці - пісеньки співати.

Пісні співати та танцювати



Koticoo, my grey cat 🔊



A haunting Ukrainian folk lullaby in a minor key,Котику сіренький’

This translation is by Dany Rosevear.

Hear it sung in Ukranian here:



































Kotikoo my grey cat,

Kotikoo my sweet cat,

In the house tread lightly,

Do not wake the baby.

Still, be still my kitten,

Pretty, furry, warm thing;

Pussy cat is purring,

Baby dear is sleeping;

Purring's for the pussy cat,

Sleeping’s for my dear, dear child.

A-a, a-a, lu-li,

A-a, a-a, lu-li, Ah!


Котику сіренький

Котику біленький

Котику волохатий

Не ходи по хаті

Не ходи по хаті

Не буди дитяти

Дитя буде спати

Котик воркотати

Ой на кота воркота

Ha дитину дрімота

A a, a a, lu-li, !

A a, a a, lu-li, Ah!



Light a loving candle 🔊



A universal song for those who weep and feel helpless.

There is so much beauty in this world but it still comes as a shock to those of us from the post WW2 generation, to see how quickly ugliness can take centre stage time and time again in fair and lovely lands.

This song is a universal one but is inspired by the terrible war happening now in Eastern Europe and refers to the symbolism of that land.

The flag of Ukraine has two horizontal bands of yellow and blue to represent the wide blue skies and the far ranging wheat fields; blue also symbolizes calm and yellow joy. Sunflowers are Ukraine national flower and a symbol of strength and resistance; the poppy symbolizes beauty and youth.There is so much beauty in this world but it still comes as a shock to those of us from the post WW2 generation, to see how quickly ugliness can take centre stage time and time again in fair and lovely lands.

My family, like many others, got caught in the tides of history. During the Russian revolution my grandmother escaped from Russia to Poland where she set up a sewing school and married a Polish officer.

In 1940 my Polish father, a young man, with 1,700,000 other Poles was deported to Siberia after an agreement between Stalin and Hitler;The WWII Polish deportations – still an untold story – Polish at heart

Later a pact between Russia with Britain enabled the release of thousands of Poles who traveled with ‘Anders Army’ to fight in the British war effort, here my father became a pilot. There were scars left, of frostbite on his nose, not being able to return to Poland during the Cold War and he was never able to eat cabbage again!




























































Out in the moonlit garden there’s a birch tree so fair,

It’s tiny leaves are trembling in sorrow and despair;

For far away there’s weeping and sadness through the land,

As old bear rants and rages in his dark and lonely den.


Chorus: Oh, light a loving candle,

A precious, flickering candle;

Hold it steady for the brave and strong.

Lullay lullay, lullay lullay,

Hold it for peace and its silent song.


Oh, where are hopes and dreams and where has freedom gone,

And where are dancing children as springtime days grow long?

Will poppies greet the waving wheat as blue skies come and go,

Will fields of sunflowers rise again, will rolling rivers flow? Chorus


May shoots of life and beauty among the ruins grow,

May wanderers return to the home they love and know.

May those who seek to conquer find in their soul a nobler way,

May each child awake to happy times and welcome every day. Chorus



Little bean, baked bean



A Ukrainian toe play rhyme for the very young. (Бобик, фасолька) I have translated it to reflect familiar names of beans in the UK. Similarly in other parts of the English speaking world use popular names of beans grown there in order of size.

Can be played on the hand too.


Wiggle and name each toe starting with the little one. With the big toe move it from side to side and throw it with a ‘Whoosh!’ over the shoulder.

















Little bean, baked bean,

Kidney bean, broad bean,

And you, great big old bean.

Whoosh! Throw it over the fence!



Little kitty, where have you been?



Коточку, де ти був?

A Ukrainian rhyme for the very young.

Stroke child’s cheek  as you chant.

















"Little kitty, where have you been?"

In the larder.

"What did you do there?"

I drank milk.

"Did you leave some for me?"

Oh, I forgot.

Oh, you naughty kitty cat!

Atchoo! Atchoo!

Atchoo! Atchoo!


Коточку, де ти був?

- У коморці.2

- Що там робив?

- Молочко пив.

- А мені залишив?

- Забувся.

- Апчхи! Апчхи!

- Апчхи! Апчхи!




Pigs in the peas



A Ukrainian clapping rhyme in English. ‘ Тосі-тосі cвині в горосі’

So many Ukrainian children’s rhymes have food / farming links, hardly surprising for a country that is famed for its agricultural land and is known as one of the “breadbaskets of the world”.

Buckwheat is an ancient grain with a long history eaten in Asian and Eastern European countries for centuries. It is not a cereal grain but a fruit seed related to rhubarb and sorrel

Translation by Dany Rosevear, I also added ‘sheep in the radishes’ as a rhyme for ‘cabbages’.


Clap the rhythm of the words. Place hands on the head.





















Clap, clap, clap, clap.

Pigs in the peas

Piglets in the buckwheat,

Calves in the cabbages,

Sheep in the radishes,

And Galya (Child’s name) in a handkerchief!



Свині в горосі,

Поросята в гречці,

Телята в капусті,

А Галя у хустці.



Quiet in the forest  🔊



A Ukrainian hand play - "Тихо в лісі".

This may well be a children’s folk song, if it is an original please contact me.

It was initially translated by my brother, Lee Markham who lives in Paris, using his knowledge of Polish and Russian to tease out the words!  Arranged to be sung in English by Dany Rosevear. There is possibly some poetic licence here over whether it is Mother owl talking to her young one or little owl itself who is wide awake!

Hear it sung beautifully in Ukrainian by Irina Tarasevych: where you can also find the words in its original language.

Verse 1. Finger to lips. Hands over head. Hands to cheek. Circle eyes. Hands open and close. Chorus: Open and close hands. 2. Spread hands. Hands to cheek. Circle eyes. 3. Flap elbow wings. Throw out hands. Shake finger. Shape two hand sun with fingers spread and make it rise. Hands to cheek.









































Quiet in their forest home,

Animals are sleeping,

Little owl is wide awake,

With its big eyes blinking.


One, two, blink!

Three, four, blink!

One, two, three, four, blink, blink, blink! x2


In the marshes you will find

Every frog is resting,

Only owl stays wide awake,

With both eyes still open.


Dearest owl it’s nightime now,

Why are you not sleeping?

“I wait until the sun comes up,

Day is best for dreaming!”



Set the little dove free 🔊



The way the world should be.

There are some wonderful musicians who through technical expertise and sound engineering have produced some magnificent global performances that bring us together in a way only music can; one of the foremost of these are Playing for change / Peace through music:

Equally Zoom (and other platforms) and Covid lockdowns have allowed people from many regions to gather together and sing, lifting spirits through some dark days. This is a humble homage to those folk.

Words and music by Dany Rosevear.
































































Let peace come a-calling, set the little dove free! x2

Intro: La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la,

La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la-la!

La-la-la, la-la-la, la!

Chorus: One world, one song, one big family,

Singing our hearts out in sweet harmony,

Not a border or fence that we can see.

Together as one, the way it should be,

Together as one, the way it should be.


For we each share the stars, we each share the moon,

We each share the blue sky on a warm afternoon.

We’ll raise up our voices, when peace is the prize,

For truth, hope and happiness, so little dove can fly. x2 Chorus


And we all love the flowers, we all love the trees,

We all love the ladybugs, the crickets and bees,

And we need one another whereever we be,

To bring love and joyfulness to our big family. x2



We’ll sing songs that move mountains, songs that move hearts,

And songs that will shape us so we each play our part;

As the river runs on, racing down to the sea,

Come with us, sing with us, walk with us, talk with us,

Let peace come a-calling, set the little dove free! x2

Intro + last line x2



Sleepy fingers



A Ukrainian finger play for bedtime. ‘Цей пальчик хоче спати’

There are several versions of this one for preschoolers.


1.-5. Lower fingers one at a time starting with the thumb. 6. Put finger to lips. 7. Shape two hand sun with fingers spread and make it rise. 8. Raise one finger at a time and wiggle them. 9. Walk hand along palm of the other hand.
















This finger wants to sleep.

This finger goes to bed.

This finger yawns.

This finger has gone to sleep.

This one is sound asleep.

Be quiet fingers, make no sound.


The red sun will rise,

And morning will come.

My fingers wake up – Hooray!

It’s time to go to kindergarten / preschool.


Цей пальчик хоче спати.

Цей пальчик ліг в ліжко.

Цей пальчик трохи задрімав.

Цей пальчик вже заснув.

Цей міцно-міцно спить.

Тихіше, тихіше, що не галасуйте.

Сонце червоне зійде,

Ранок ясне прийде.



This finger went into the forest



A traditional Ukrainian finger play. ‘Оцей пальчик в ліс пішов’ You can find it chanted in Ukrainian here: Пальчикова гра «Оцей пальчик в ліс пішов…» – Дитина Waldorf (

I love this one as it reminds me of the times when my Polish father took us mushroom picking on a nearby airfield in Norfolk, we were the only family that did this as I recollect. It carried on a family tradition from his childhood in Poland but it is likely they would have gathered them in a forest.

Take turns bending each finger down starting with the little one.

1. Make little finger walk. 2. Top ring finger with hand. 3. Cut palm with middle finger.

4. Stir palm with pointer. 5. Move thumb up and down.

















This finger went into the forest,

This finger found a mushroom,

This finger chopped it up,

This finger fried the mushroom,

This thumb ate the lot and got so fat.


Оцей пальчик в ліс пішов,

Оцей пальчик гриб знайшов,

Оцей пальчик різать став,

Оцей пальчик смажить став,

А оцей усе поїв

Ось тому і розтовстів!



This thumb is grandad



A Ukrainian finger play for a baby or toddler. Use the familiar term for grandparents, parents and child.

Older children might twiddle each finger themselves finishing with 

‘And the little one is me and my name is Olenka’.

This would be a lovely way for a child to introduce themselves. They can also use their fingers to introduce their actual family.


Twiddle each finger in turn, finish with a cuddle.





















This thumb is grandad,

This finger is grandma,

This finger is father,

This finger is mother,

This finger is our little girl / boy

And her / his name is Irina / Vanya! (Child’s name)

And here is my whole family


Оцей пальчик наш дідусь,

Оцей пальчик баба,

Оцей пальчик наш татусь,

Оцей пальчик мама,

А цей пальчик наша дівчинка (хлопчик)

А звуть її (його)



Tooty tam 🔊



‘Тут і там’ A simple action song that can be sung in Ukrainian,   

Learn to sing this musically versatile song phonetically in Ukrainian up and down the scales. I have already translated and sung this last week in English as ‘Here and there’: 

Then my granddaughter came to visit at half term and after listening to it in Ukrainian: persuaded me she could teach me to sing it. She has a good ear for language. We also played it on the tongue drum and made a number song to help us. This would also work on a keyboard and has a nice little pattern.

1. Throw out hands. 2. Tap side of the head. 3. Roll arms. 4. Raise three fingers in turn. 5. Flop two fingers over fist. 6. Repeat.







































Tooty tam tooty tam,

Tararam, tararam.

Postory, postory,

Ras, va, tree, ras, va, tree.

Tooty tam tooty tam,

Tararam, tararam.

Postory, postory,

Ras, va, tree!


One, two, three, one, two, three,

Two, three, four, two, three, four,

Three, four, five, three, four, five,

Four, five, six, four, five, six.

Five, four, three, five, four, three.

Four, three, two, four, three, two,

Three, two, one, three, two, one,

One, three, one!


Тут і там, тут і там,

тарарам, тарарам.

Повтори, повтори,

раз-два-три, раз-два-три.

Тут і там, тут і там,

тарарам, тарарам

Повтори, повтори,






Two roosters  🔊



‘Два півники’ A Ukrainian folk song. A great story song to act out as you sing.

Ukraine is the ‘bread basket of Europe’ and famed for its wheat and sunflowers but it grows a huge variety of other crops too. Grinding peas is not a familiar concept in the U.K. and I would love to know more about it.

This translation is by Dany Rosevear. Hear it sung in Ukranian here:


































Two red roosters, two red roosters,

Thresh peas in the farmyard,

Two fine fat hens, two fine fat hens,

Take it to the mill

Where Billy goat grinds it

While Nanny goat is pouring,

Little kid so merrily

Is playing on the fiddle.


Dance, dance little kid,

Dance to the lively music,

Mother goat and father goat

Will bring us flour for pancakes.

Out in the forest,

A mean grey wolf is watching;

Little white goat please be careful

For we know what he’s thinking.

Yes, we know what he’s thinking!


Два півники, два півники

Горох молотили,

Дві курочки-чубарочки

До млина носили.

Цап меле, цап меле,

Коза підсипає,

А маленьке козенятко

На скріпочці грає.


Танцюй, танцюй, козюленько,

Ніженьками туп, туп!

Татусенько з матусею

Принесуть нам круп, круп.

А вовчок-сірячок

З лісу виглядає

Та на біле козенятко

Пильно поглядає.


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